Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Too Old To Slip N Slide?

When is the last time you were on a Slip N Slide? 10 years? 20 years? Before kids?

My two young boys are 6 and 3, but I was the one who wanted to get a Slip N Slide for them to play. (Ok, more me than them!) It was great! I bought it on clearance and had a cool pool area at the end of it.  What's not to like!?

I thought I could be Superdad and try out the Slip N Slide for myself. I did great the first couple of times, being very cautious not to crack a rib. It was a blast and the boys enjoyed it too. After a few turns on the slide, I got a little cocky... a little to confident maybe? And went full blast and like a belly flop from a 50 foot bridge, I ate it... pretty hard. I lay there for a few minutes while I catch my breath, the water pouring on me and gathering in pools around me like a beached whale.

That was two weeks ago... my ribs still hurt. I probably cracked a rib. It's like the Mom on A Christmas Story... "You'll crack a rib!"

I later read the instructions and it very boldly says... Only For kids 5-12 years!

Ever thought you were invincible despite your better judgment?  I am not Superdad!

It kinda looked like this...

1 comment:

Bird said...

You are sick and I love it!!

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