Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Post #200 and Thanksgiving

Lookie here! 200 posts! 200 Ramblings! 200 paragraphs of non-sense! 200 thank yous and many more for checking out the "Todd Blog" for the past couple of years! Woop Woop!

In my current writing, where I repeat myself to make a point...

We are at the cross-roads in the time line of our great country. Take time to be thankful for the family and friends you have in your life. Take time to think about what you can do to help your fellow man. Take time for a cause bigger than you! It's been a tough time for many, but together we can rebuild this nation, both financially and politically. We the people...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Back with my ramblings on Monday.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just call him - Dwayne

Tim McGraw's agent has been trying to get him on to host Saturday Night Live for 5 years!!  He's in a new movie that might have helped him finally get that hosting spot.    If you missed Tim McGraw on SNL this weekend, here's a sample for you.   Tim, um... I mean Dwayne plays some cards with James Bond.

Tim also does a fantastic job as a turkey!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't stack dominoes near a 3 year old!

Yesterday, we made a visit to the Sci-Port , or as my two boys like to call it, "The Sci-porium"

It was pretty quiet yesterday, not crowded or anything. was quiet until we showed up!

An older gentleman and his (12 year old?) grandson were in "the zone" stacking dominoes to topple on a play table.   Mason spotted it quickly and ran over there to see what they were doing.... he took a look and walked away to do something else.  After a few minutes, and after Daddy walked away to look at the "self-lifting" chair,  I hear this crash!  It was a noticeable noise. It was Mason, who ran over back to the domino table, destroyed an afternoon's work of domino stacking.

I figure they didn't want the dominoes to topple just yet.  The old man and his grandson looked at each other and at me in astonishment... like somebody stole their puppy.   Embarrassed and also chuckling inside, I took Mason, briefly said sorry and ran to another room to play.

Sorry to terrorize your dominoes, but really... it's a kids play table.  Was it that unexpected?

I'm sure there are other kids out there who terrorize the public?  Got any stories?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Room with a view

It's not the most spectacular picture, but the sunset this afternoon was amazing from the KRMD studios today at the Louisiana Boardwalk .
And another...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

There are nearly 326,000 veterans in Louisiana , which includes the 27,000 currently serving our country.  Remember to take some time today to thank a Veteran.  Thank them for the service to our great country.  ...and don't forget to remember those Veterans who paid the ultimate price for our freedom!

My Dad served our country in Vietnam as a medic.  I always make it a point to give him a call to say thanks and talk some politics too.

Happy Veteran's Day!

Monday, November 10, 2008

State Fair Fun

The State Fair Of Louisiana wrapped up this weekend. Throughout all the madness: the 8 hour carnival ride binge with my kids, the demolition derby, the Kevin Fowler show... I had a ton of fun for my first State Fair experience!

Speaking of the Kevin Fowler show... it rocked! The man can perform! He was super cool back stage too. My wife Holli had been neglected of Kevin's stage antics for over three years and was starting to see the onset of "Crazy Wife Syndrome" or CWS.  It's a real disease where the wife goes crazy.

The State Fair weather bubble held up nicely since it hardly rained in the past three weeks.

I even saw a green gorilla... Amazingly, there IS a woman behind this green furball. It's not a real gorilla, just so you know... nobody was in danger.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Louisiana Sammich!

I was eating my lunch today... and noticed I made a state.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A new day...

What an amazing election last night!  I watched every second of the results on TV.  Glued to the tube as each state was declared blue or red.   Then it was.  "We have a new president!" declared at 10pm last night.  I couldn't believe it was over and done so fast.... no fuss... no recount.... done!

I have many views both conservative and liberal.  I truely believed that no matter who won, a new day was coming.  We couldn't lose!  I figure, what could be worse that the current situation in our country.

I now many of my readers are Republican to the core and pretty bummed about the results of last night.  But, think about this... a black man... with a terrorist-sounding name like Barack Hussein Obama... who came from nothing ... was able overcome all of that and took hold of the majority of country.

It says a lot about the current affairs of this country and no matter what party you support, it was a pretty impressive display from voters.

It's time to move forward from this election madness.  It's time for us Americans to take our country back!  Everybody has to be involved in the future.  Let's work together and start making things happen again for the good ol' U.S.A.  Now is the time!

Now that this reality show is over, back to my Discovery Channel, Reruns and other election coverage detox

Monday, November 03, 2008

My name is Todd, I have ECAD.

The ultimate reality show is about to come to an end: The 21 month long U.S. Election. I must say I have been addicted to all the election coverage. I believe there is a medical term for this addiction: It's Election Coverage Addiction Disorder.

I've been following the happenings of both parties on TV and all over the internet and TV, checking the polls like a bookie. Who's the next president going to be?! I'm hanging on every second of coverage.

I might need election coverage detox when it's all said and done, but I don't have a problem...

Still undecided?  Click here for a Candidate Match-O-Matic to help you choose.  Now, get out there and vote!
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