Haven't been on a soapbox in a while... enjoy!
You can’t turn on the tv or open the paper without hearing about some sort of stimulus package or bailout . Funds paid for by the American people for financial institutions and auto makers. What about the earmark on Obama’s stimulus package spending millions to build some water park in Arkansas? I think that was a rumor, but I know you have said to at least once to a friend, “where’s my bailout?”
There is one potential bailout that hasn’t been talked about even once that could have been paid for by now to bail us out directly: Bail us out of healthcare insurance! It continues to be political suicide to talk about. It’s taboo to say “Medicare for all,” yet you continue to put up with rising healthcare costs, dwindling coverage, and an insurance system that wastes 30% of each insurance dollar for things like paperwork just so they can “not” cover you when you get sick.
Politicians aren’t going to touch this. Why? Because the big insurance companies pay big to help get them elected at fundraisers so they won’t talk about insurance alternatives. We the people must stand up to the lobbyist and politicians and tell them to bail us out for once. A healthcare bailout will instantly turn this economy around, by saving you thousands!
We already have some basic needs paid for by this country by you and me, like the police and fire department, basic education, the library system to name a few. There is one thing that continues to stay on the sidelines due to political pressure from big money insurance lobbyists: Healthcare for all Americans, paid for by Americans just like the police, and our schools. This can be done and put lots of money back into your pocket, yet, still have the best healthcare in the world. Think of it. We would save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in insurance premiums per month in exchange for a small payroll tax. What!? Another tax!? It makes sense though to save huge amounts of money in premiums to get better coverage and better healthcare no matter if you have a pre-existing condition. This seems like a no brainer, but remember, politicians are not going to shoot themselves in the political foot by throwing a financial contributor under the bus. Politicians lie and use words like "socialism" and "rationed healthcare" to scare you so they can get insurance company kickbacks to get elected again in a couple of years.
You shouldn’t have to go into bankruptcy to go to the doctor when you happen to get sick. 2/3 of all bankruptcies are medical related. 75% of those 2/3's had health insurance.
There is a bill in congress now that is better than any other country’s “socialist universal health care.” Even better than Canada! Ha! We, as a people, already pay for 60% of the healthcare in the U.S. Let’s pick up the tab for the rest, and at the same time bail you out by putting money directly back into your pocket, not to mention not having to sell the farm when you get cancer. Google “HR 676,” then hunt down your local politician and tell them to support this bill. The plan is a private healthcare system paid for by the American people, run by the American people, not the government. It would actually SAVE the United States money... therefore saving you money!
We should never see coffee cans at the convience store raising money for a 6 year old girl for cancer treatment. This is one of the biggest human rights discrace in the U.S.! It's one thing that really is worth paying for as a people, as a country. Everybody in, nobody left out.
You are very welcome to leave your comments and opinions for, or against, below.
I agree...but those who are too ignorant to get the information or try to understand what is being proposed are the ones against it. They are the ones who stand to loose just as much as anyone...
People aren't getting any healthier, and health care is the most outrageous expense in the U.S. I'm writing a thesis on this right now. 50% of Americans over 60 have chronic diseases. And the baby boom is making those numbers increase by the day...SOMETHING needs to change!
What others also don't realize that this bill would move us into a "preventative" health care system, which would keep us healthier, instead of the current reactive system...which is much more costly and deadly.
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