This week, the temperatures here in the Ark-La-Tex is supposed to reach 100 or better. It's already about 97 right now! Whoooo! So, It's time for the obligatory "It's So Hot..." jokes. Be click on comment below and leave your "Hot" jokes!
Here were today's callers jokes:
Here are some more responses from the Facebook peanut gallery!:
James Anthony at 2:41pm June 22
It's so hot...You discover that it takes only 2 fingers to drive your car.
Mark Meyers at 2:53pm June 22
It's so hot...I actually turned down sex this morning.
Holli Swartzwelder Nixon at 3:09pm June 22
it's so hot...I can't get these damn kids out of my house. Wait, that's not funny...
Tiff Foster at 4:00pm June 22
It's so learn that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
Nicky Sofyanos-sheppard at 4:46pm June 22
that i do NOT want to cook at all!!! i hate the heat here in texas.
Marissa Kurtz Carbine at 5:02pm June 22
It's so hot even my golf balls are sweating.
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