This last weekend many of our men and women from Barksdale Air Force Base were deployed overseas to fight. Hearing Tim McGraw's "If You're Reading This," on KRMD today was too much for Amber, whose husband was one of those deployed. She called me and said, "Todd, My husband and about half of Barksdale just got deployed and the last song you want to hear is that Tim song or (Carrie Underwood's) Just A Dream. That had me in tears today." She went on, "Can you stop playing that song for just a week until I get through this?" I can't imagine being in that situation and hearing those songs. I made the necessary adjustments for her. I pray everybody from Barksdale comes back home soon and safe!
Every song touches somebody who are living those lyrics everyday, sad or happy. Are there other songs you hear you just can't listen to because it reminds you of somebody or something that happened in your life? Are there certain songs that describe you perfectly and crank up everytime you hear it? Leave you comment below!
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