What a life changing decade. From 22... now I'm 32...I learned from mistakes, lived through new experiences (good and bad,) and grew up! I now have three children, and a loving wife... and have learned that outside of my family... everything else is second.
What to do in 2010?
- Lose weight and get in shape! It's going to be hard to keep up with 3 rowdy kids otherwise
- Find a niche
- Travel more
- Get more involved with local and national politics
- Stop wasting time on ideas in my head and execute them
- Dream bigger
- Live...
- Number of trips I took: 2
- Number of countries I went to: 1
- Number of new members of my house: 1
- Number of new tax deductions: 1
- Approximate number of times I've had to yell at my children to stop running around the house: 36,732
- Approximate number of times they listened: 0
- Gallons of sweet tea consumed at Louisiana State Fair: 12
- Number of Captains foam fingers purchased:1
- Number of GB's inconvenienced by this blog: 3.3
- Number of times we moved: 0 (My wife thanks me)
- Number of concerts I went to: 10
- Number of movies I went to: 4
- Number of times I've threatened to move to the Cayman Island: 23
- Number of times I've followed through with this threat: 0