Sunday, August 09, 2009

Baby Update

Holli is back at home after 10 days in the hospital and doing great!  Since Kyli was so early, doctors expect her to be in NICU for the next 3 to 4 weeks until she learns to feed on her own and get a little meat on her bones.  Thankfully, there have been no major complications and she is doing really great! 

We took Kyli's two older brothers to see her today for the first time.  Trale and Mason were full of questions and very excited to see her!

Here's a couple of new pics....those tubes will be gone soon ;) but, check out the hair!  I'm jealous!

1 comment:

Sarah Odens said...

Im so glad she is doing good. As nice as it would be if she was out of the NICU now, at least this gives Holli two to three weeks to recover before you are all thrust into all nighters and no sleep ^_^

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