Sunday, August 02, 2009

Fetus Nixon Watch!

We are getting close... perhaps too close actually.  My beautiful wife, Holli, is 7 1/2 months prego and it's a girl! We had to rush to the hospital on Thursday after a routine doctor appointment showed she had some dangerous indicators that would cause a need to deliver immediately!   Did I mention the baby hasn't finished cooking in the oven yet?  Just 30 weeks... After a couple of days in the hospital, Holli was not getting better and there was a possibility we were going to have the baby this weekend.  Well, it's funny when the pressure is on that Holli starts to make a turn around.  Both Momma and baby are doing great tonight.  The doctor is still saying a possibility of "going" this week depending on how she does.  I'm hoping to get another week or two, at least, to keep the baby in there cooking just a weeee bit longer.  Hang on tight!

We did ultrasound pics on that Thursday by the way.  Fetus Nixon is doing great!  She actually gave us a nice wave!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Todd your daughter has a name and it is not Fetus. That is just not a pretty name...yuck...Fetus. The name y'all picked is way better- Kyli Rae...right?

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