Time is counting down to the
new baby. So, I spent much of Sunday, moving furniture around and cleaning out stuff to sell to make room. You wouldn't believe the little scraps of stuff I save. Ticket stubs, bumper stickers, old airchecks. Here's a little collage, see if you recognize anything: Click on the pic to see a bigger version.

When I turned 18, my hair all fell out thanks to
male pattern baldness.... so, people always ask me to show pictures of what I looked like
with hair. Enjoy!
At church camp about 12 years old. Nice bright red shorts and tube socks!
My 18th Birthday driver's license, the last one with hair. I got rid of the mullet just days before this shot was taken in 1995!
Heh. I have pictures of my now 39 y.o. son with his mullet. He swore he would never be bald. Now he shaves his head. Go figure.
haha!! It was bound to happen.. thanks James!
I have a box (or two) with the same stuff. Like when I die someone is gonna go through it all and think "Wow! What an interesting life she lead." Yeah, right.
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