Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekend Inbox

This was in my inbox this morning.  It's a YouTube video of an insurance company exec who left the field after almost 20 years to become a health reform advocate.  This is a must see if you have concerns over government run health care.

You know that I'm a pretty big advocate of health care for all... and anti-anybody who claims to be a conservative or liberal, because everybody has individual ideas and beliefs and can't fully be put into one category or the other.  Don't follow the herd, research and come up with your own conclusion.  If you haven't seen the Sicko movie yet, run down to the library and rent it. Then go fact check the movie, you'll find that it's pretty right on.

The best health care bill is already in the house, but is getting no attention due to deep-pocketed lobbyists, as you saw in the YouTube video above.  Google HR676 and call your reps in the house and senate.

Health care for all, right now!  Everybody in, Nobody left out.

Read my other article on health care reform.


Jim said...

The Town Talk in Alexandria has an article about healthcare and the lobbyists.

RadioTodd said...

Great article Jim! Lobbyists should be outlawed! It'd be like record company paying me to play their records... which IS illegal.

The fiscally responsible solution to this health care mess to to create a single-payer system.

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