Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You too, can be a philanthropist!

Want to spread your wealth around? I can help you become a known philanthropist in just one easy step.

Step one: Let inspection sticker expire.

That's right! Pretty soon the police will get to "know you" and schedule a day to visit the city mecca and make a "generous donation" to the city coffers.

Now, go ahead and get your new inspection sticker. You'll be making one mechanic's day by giving them 10 whole dollars to look at your car to make sure "it's safe." Oops, that crack on the passenger side of the car is a little too long. You will need to get a new one!  Another great opportunity to give to others!

It's now your day at the city mecca!  Bring the money truck with you.  Remember you are on your way to being a known philanthropist!  Look at all the people that make the mecca run!

See, in one day, your "donation" supports the local economy by paying for mechanics, police, judges, the glass industry, and wasteful government spending!  Congratulations!  You are now a known philanthropist!

That was easy!!  And all you had to do is let your inspection sticker expire!  Tell your friends and they too can be like you!  Be lucky, because in some states, you don't need an inspection sticker, and therefore you cannot be a known philanthropist.  How sad for them.


Sandi Silmon said...

Oh yeah Todd, you and me, we are going to keep this city running! My advice to help with the philanthropy project is to forget to pit your drivers license in the car with no inspection sticker!!! LMAO

Holli Nixon said...

I say you've made your contribution now please feel free to NOT donate to that organization again! If you feel the need to donate, your wife has some pretty empty pockets! Lol!

RadioTodd said...

I wasn't bitter when writting... honest. But seriously, if we're looking to cut taxes somewhere. Inspections stickers are nothing but another form of state tax.

Hillary said...

Wasn't bitter? Pa-lease....I can taste the bitterness all the way over here.

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