Spring is in the air! Flowers start to bloom, the grass gets greener, and then my brain starts forming into this
jello type substance! We're getting into the busy season here at the
radio station . All the concerts start rolling in, festivals in towns I've never heard of, and getting pulled in all kinds of directions. I'm already starting to feel it.

When all this happens, my mind goes into this A.D.D. memory loss state. I'll have a list of 20 projects, and they start all at once. It goes kinda like this:
I need to schedule music, call my friend, produce a web banner, twitter, walk down the hallway, and oooooh... look at that fly on the wall!
It's more like ADOS: Attention Defic... Ohhh Shiny!
I actually have a brain mold if you need to "get your brain back." I made a fabulous brain-shaped shrimp dip for a Halloween party last year.
Darling, you are like this ALL the time. It's not just a "right now" kinda thing...That's what makes you perfect for radio! Most radio people have ADD. It was your destiny!
Can I go ahead and put the brain mold on reserve? I may need it sooner than later :)
My Bean (badylugs80) seems to think I am always like this. Psh! I don't know what she's talkin... hey the Blue Angels are flying by!
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