Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What would you do?

Have you watched that TV show "What Would You Do" on ABC?  It's where they mock certain uncomfortable situations and see how people react while recording on hidden camera.

I was looking for the hidden camera today when a gentleman's chair collapsed under him.  He was a larger man, who you could tell was a little embarrassed because of the accident.  It was strange, because I looked over at him, as did many other people, and only after the guy gathered himself and tried to get back up, did somebody finally walk over and ask if he was ok.

Surprisingly I didn't do anything to offer any help either.  It felt like I was in one of those "What Would You Do" TV experiments.  I still feel bad for not walking over to offer assistance, because I typically would have.

What would you do if you saw a big guy break the chair he was sitting in and fall?

1 comment:

Hillary said...

I would feel bad for the guy...probably cry for him, but then I wouldn't say anything to him. I would feel that would add to his embarassment....that is unless he is bleeding or a bone is sticking out.

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