Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just A Good Ol' Boys

Growing up in Texas, I was a HUGE Dukes Of Hazzard fan. I was five years old: I had the Dukes t-shirt, bed sheets, digital watch (which I ruined in the backyard kiddie pool,) had the General Lee Matchbox car... I still like to watch the reruns on TV. CMT used to do marathons!

So what do some of the ol' characters from the show do these days? They tour around and make appearances at fairs, car shows, etc. Rick Hurst was at the World Of Wheels show at the Shreveport Civic Center. Rick played Boss Hogg's Deputy cousin Cletus. He was on his way to the radio station to interview with KRMD's Hillary and Derek . I had to get a pic!  When he got here, he was suited up Hazzard County Deputy's gear!  Then he tried to arrest me... Where's my General Lee getaway car?


Holli Nixon said...

I think you make a face just like he's making~is that where you learned it from? lol...So you dreams you had as a kid never died? Met your childhood idol? What I wouldn't give to meet Rainbow Bright...

Bird said...

I see you managed to escape. Are you still on the lam?

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