Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Happy New Year, where are you?

Happy 2009, I hope you enjoyed the holidays, got some time off, engorged on masses amounts of food, knocked over the Christmas tree due to masses amounts of alcohol.  Ya know, the usual holiday stuff. :)

I'm glad to be back at work and gearing up for what I hope, and plan on, will be a great year.  With all the doom and gloom you hear on the news, it's a wonder if we will ever get out of this mess. I think we're at rock bottom now.  They only way to go now is up... Stay positive, this country still rocks.

My New Years Resolutions:

1) Get healthier... which means more walks and exercise for this fellow that likes to eat.--->me
and 2) Not argue with the IRS if they want to give me money back to me this year.

What are your resolutions for '09?

Happy New Year!  Woop Woop!

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