Sunday, July 06, 2008

Things Overheard July 4th Weekend

Overheard in the Nixon Household this July 4th Weekend...
1) "Sorry officer, I didn't know the speed limit" - Me: Pulled over in Carthage, Texas...I got a warning

2) "Was it natural or medical?" - Cashier at Walmart: asking me about my baldness

3) "Hope that's not poison ivy!" - Me: geocaching with the kids... Jury still out on if I got it.

4) "Oops...Watch out!" - Me: at the golf driving range as I, somehow, hit a golfball behind me.

5) "Gimme my beer or I'll withhold the grandchildren" - Brother-in-law: talking to my Dad who hid said beer.

6) "I think your hair is growing more" - My Mom: pointing to my peach fuzz on top of my head. I had to tell her... it's decidedly so that my hair will not be coming back.

7) "Knock Knock... Who's There?... Bridge... Bridge Who? Pee off the bridge" - My 3 year old son, Mason: telling me a Knock knock joke.

Hope you had a nice July 4th Weekend. As always, thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

I got one...
Knock, Knock...
Who's There?
Boo Who?
Quit crying, you sound like a baby!

Bird said...

Your brother sounds like a genius! Does that work at bars too?

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