Momma needed some downtime from two of the wildest boys on the planet. So I took Trale (6) and Mason (3) to see the movie they've been bugging me to see since it came out:
Wall-E. If you have little ones you know, it's a crap shoot on whether we will make it through the whole movie due to the boys' said wildness. We got to the counter to buy popcorn and Mason is running around like a
Tasmanian Devil. The lady in front of me says, please you go first so you can corral the boys into the theatre. She actually talked to the boys and kept them company until we got all of our concessions ready. I was greatly appreciative indeed!

We got settled in our seats about the time preview came on. Mason would ask, "Is this Wall-E?" I would say "no, it's coming up in just a few minutes." When the next preview came on Mason asked again.... "Is this Wall-E?" I realized, he was going to ask this after
every preview.... so this time I said yes until he figured it out that it wasn't Wall-E. Then it was ..."Daddy! this isn't Wall-E" 20 minutes later of trying to figure it out we are underway.

The movie took a little figuring out at the beginning, but it all comes together nicely in the end. I really enjoyed it! The boys also seemed to enjoy it, because we made it to the end of the movie without incident. Kudos
Pixar! Here's a tip: make sure you are there to see the mini-movie: "Presto!" It's the funniest short film from Pixar yet!
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