Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nashville Star, um, I mean... Scam?

Just when I was all excited that they got Nashville Star on a main network, they blow it! I know that some of these "reality shows" are not so reality, but a leak happened last night on the show that I think may really hurt the show to the point of cancellation. Rumor is one of the judges, Jewel, was forced to vote off one of the contestant by the producers of the show.

Other sources also site that the producers were just looking for "eye candy" for the show intead of talent. The show certainly proves that... the talent seems to be lacking... but they look great!

NBC has shot them self in the foot and now have a serious credibility problem. Great! Another show featuring country music show getting made out to look rediculous. I'm bummed.

What happened to Taylor Swift too? The girl can sing, but the show made her look bad... 'sup with that?

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