Country music front and center!! Blake Shelton makes an appearance on Nashville Star on Monday, he'll be crooning his new song "Home." It's "Family Week" (whatever that means) on Nashville Star, Monday night at 8pm on NBC.
Hottie Sara Evans is back on the tube... not dancing, but on the new game show Million Dollar Password. It's airs Sunday at 7pm on CBS, but I got a little sneak preview below!
Just when I was all excited that they got Nashville Star on a main network, they blow it! I know that some of these "reality shows" are not so reality, but a leak happened last night on the show that I think may really hurt the show to the point of cancellation. Rumor is one of the judges, Jewel, was forced to vote off one of the contestant by the producers of the show.
Other sources also site that the producers were just looking for "eye candy" for the show intead of talent. The show certainly proves that... the talent seems to be lacking... but they look great!
NBC has shot them self in the foot and now have a serious credibility problem. Great! Another show featuring country music show getting made out to look rediculous. I'm bummed.
What happened to Taylor Swift too? The girl can sing, but the show made her look bad... 'sup with that?
If I don't move again in my lifetime, it'll be too soon. There's nothing like moving for the 6th time in two years. It took all of Saturday to get everything out of the moving trailer... all 28 feet of it! Great news though... it's finally done.... Well, the "back-breaking, sweat-soaked shirts" part of it. I must have drank enough water to fill a swimming pool and sweated enough to fill the Red River.
Now it's time to sort through what we packed... and playing the "which box has that tiny part I need in order for something else to work" game. Check out the mess.
It's Shania Mania... ok so maybe not, but she has finally graced us with a personal message on her man problems. Unfortunately nothing too scandalous to pass on, but read below her message to fans.
"To my beloved fans: As I am sure you have seen or heard; I am going through a rough time personally in my life. I wanted you all to know that I could not be getting through this without you. Your letters, emails and words of encouragement give me strength. Your overwhelming support reminds me to smile, no matter how deep the pain and to always be grateful for all the beautiful blessings in my life.
I have so much to say but I know the best way for me to speak is through my music. This is my therapy, my passion, and my love. I look forward to sharing it with all of you as I begin this new journey.
I need some time to heal this broken heart but make no mistake; I will be back and hopefully stronger than ever. Thank you my friends, from the bottom of my heart. "
Is it so hard to drive through the city without having to stop at every red light? Sure, I could run them all, but it's no fun getting run over or spending a perfectly nice afternoon at the police station to pay a ticket.
So, I'd like to start a collection for the City Of Shreveport to buy some stop watches and get somebody to synchronize the traffic lights! I probably waste more gas sitting at traffic lights in Shreveport than sitting in the line at drive through Daiquiri stands.
Maybe it's a conspiracy to make you go to the drive through Daiquiri stands... hmmm.
But I won't... went down last month due to a "malfunction." So I haven't been able to update the little blog here.... In case it goes down again, bookmark me real fast! Ok that's better.
Welcome back to the blog. I'll return to my crazy writings over the next couple of days... in the meantime, how 'bout a strange video?