Thursday, May 24, 2007

Todd Goes To The Movies!

Recently, I subscribed to Netflix and am in the process of catching up on some movies I missed. I don't go to the movie theatre too much these days due to my two small children. You know two kids watching a PG-13 or Rated R show is no go. Plus, that whole "2 year old not sitting in one spot for more than 15 minutes at a time" thing is a real kicker.

Last night, I finally got to see the new James Bond flick Casino Royale. I'm a fairly big bond fan. Watched most of them from Sean Connery to the new Bond guy Daniel Craig. He rocked as Bond! If you are not familiar with the James Bond movies, you could almost start with Casino Royal then go back to the old ones and know why Bond does what he does. I think the new Bond gives the series a breath of fresh air and should have a pretty good run.

It's Billy Bowlegs Festival season here on the Emerald Coast which ties in perfectly with the new Pirates Of The Caribbean Movie which starts tonight. Fortunately, since the premiere is a radio station function, I get to "work" and see it tonight at the theatre. The picture of me is with Billy Bowlegs and the Queen.

I'll give you my take of "Pirates" in the morning.

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