Shrek is everywhere!!!
You can't walk through wal-mart without bumping into Shrek snacks, Shrek sunglasses, Shrek athlete's foot cream! Ok, just kidding about the sunglasses, but I think you get the point.
Been to Mcdonalds with the kids lately?... the straws are even green!
Do people even care if Shrek graces the same old fruit roll ups? I don't, but I know my kids do.
How disposable have we become? Just the other day I saw an abandoned Shrek happy meal toy on the floor at a restaurant.
Long live Shrek, but this is crazy! Now give me back my Shrek juice box...thanks.
HELLO my favorite Radio Man!!!! Let me know how that movie turns out okay.... I dont know if it is going to be worth going or not. We are leaving tha tup to you!!
i thought that the mcdonalds straws were yellow lol i guess im color blind
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