Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Middle Child's Day!

Well, it seems there is a day for everything... A fellow 'middle child' at work alerted me that today was Middle Child's Day! Being the 2nd of three qualifies me! Did I have Middle Child Syndrome? Maybe... Did my sisters tell me I was adopted? Yes! A few times!  haha! At least, I avoided the hand-me-downs since I have two sisters.

Here's a discription of the typical middle child according to Urban Dictionary.
Middle children will sometimes...
-misbehave to get attention
-go with the flow
-work as little as possible
-be less parent-dependent then their siblings
-become the 'loner' of the family, not participate in family events unless told to.
-play the peacemaker
-be more likely to go to a friend for advice than a parent
-be very creative
I match a few of those, but so could anybody really.  My middle child, Mason, definitely fits many of those descriptions...  Well, except for the peacemaker part... Mason's a fighter!

So, go give your middle child a special hug today!   My wife said she read a survey that said one the top professions of middle children was... radio...

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