Friday, March 19, 2010

D-bag of the week: Tea Baggers

The health care debate has heated up quite a bit this week as the big health care reform bill goes for a vote this weekend. These Tea Party people have to be the most disgusting people on the planet after treating this guy the way they did just because of difference of opinion. I'd like to think that God will remember these tea baggers when their judgment day comes. I'm not sure why, but it seems humans have lost all humanity. I believe in debate, difference of opinion and freedom to protest, but this is out of line. See the video... Classy indeed!


Holli Nixon said...

wow! last time I checked I wasn't asking for a hand out just a way to keep my family from going bankrupt while trying to take care on my disabled father...

Amber said...

Disgusting! Sorry excuses for human beings!

Amber said...

I just realized that the man's sign said he had parkinsons disease. My Mother in law has PD also, she didn't ask for it, she didn't ask to be put on disability because she couldn't work anymore, she didn't ask to be tossed around from doctor to doctor everytime her meds stopped working, going into debt everytime she needed new medicine, she isn't asking for a handout, she just wants to live. Makes me nauseated that someone would treat another human being like that.

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