Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sweet Tea Please

We can all agree that the government spending bailouts are a pretty crazy mess.  What I think is crazier is the people who are holding these "Tea Parties " against new taxation, distribution of wealth, and basically mad the Obama administration for all this government spending.  You know, I get it... Nobody wants taxation and all this spending, but when you see that the average family carries $8,000 or more in credit card debt, on top of their financed over-priced SUV's, and house they can't afford, I find today's "Tea Party" events very hypocritical.  It seems more like pouting that "their candidate" didn't get elected.  Additionally, I'm not so sure people read thoroughly both sides of an argument and just blindly follow the pack on these issues.  Besides, aren't most people are getting some sort of tax break anyway?

We are all to blame for the state of the economy that our "get it now, pay later" mentality has put us.  Sure! taxes suck, but I sure do enjoy the police department, schools and roads.  Believe me, we have it made compared to other countries.  Go visit one and you'll see what I mean.  The big government spending plan is outrageous, but it's a way out hopefully... and the beginning of the end of the USA's huge mound of debt.

I've said it before, it's a balance and it's compromise to get the best for everybody.  When the balance sways one direction or the other, we end up in the economic mess like we are in now.

Fight for low taxes, smaller government, but make sure we take care of what needs to be handled in our country.  I would GLADLY pay more taxes to see our schools improve, to see more police on the streets, even quality health care for all, but I better see results with my tax dollars.  That's what we should be fighting for.

All hands on deck to help get out of this mess, otherwise, let's just sit around and hold "tea parties!"


RadioTodd said...

I encourage your comments! All views are welcome!

Holli Nixon said...

did you just compare the economy to steroids??? lol Very funny Mr. Nixon

I do agree with everything you have said though. I think that these hypocrites don't even realize that they are being hypocritical because they are so spoiled in the ways they live. If some one were to tell them that they can't have their Lexis SUV or $25,000 spending limit on there Master card because "we can't spend outside of what we bring in," then they might realize that they were spending outside of their means.

I'm just saying that they need a lesson in economics! Isn't that a required course in High School!?!

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