Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thought Process Pudding

Ever start reading something or search for something on the internet and an hour later forget how you got to the current website you were looking at?

Here's my thought process from today:
** Looking through the Shreveport Times for some good local info to talk about.

** Clicked on the page about cheating in school.

** Found out that you can scan and reprint a coke bottle label with answers embedded in the print.  Instructions on YouTube.

** Searched YouTube to learn how to reprint a coke bottle label.

** Found Mythbusters Video about turning a 2 liter bottle into a bomb using only dry ice and water.

** Remembered to search for last year's Super Derby Media race video on YouTube.

** Remembered I was supposed to be finding interesting things to talk about on my radio show today.

Happen to you?


Holli Nixon said...

lol...I seem to travel your thought process all the time! At least you know where you started.

RadioTodd said...

Wikipedia is really bad when you're surfing around it. You follow link after link after link. You can forget easily where you started.

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