Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fun with Keywords

Looking through some of my website statistics and found something interesting.  One of my stats allows me to see what keyword searches people used to find my website.  Here are some of the different search term keywords that people used on Google that pointed them on my website.
1) "Getting High On Gasoline Fumes" was linked 3 times to my site from google.  No doubt in relation to this blog.  But you would not learn how to get high from fumes here.

2) People from KTBS-TV 3.  We love the gang at KTBS.  I have links to many of their blogs on my page.... but somebody did a search for "Jody Lowery KTBS married?" and found my website instead.

3)  I don't know why on earth somebody would want a "Nixon Impersonator"  but they searched for one, and they probably found this instead on my website.

4) Somebody wants to dump a spouse.  Some guy searched "take my wife for cash" found

5) "Todd's Hasselhoff"  This Todd does not have, or want to own a Hasselhoff.


afternoondj said...

You just gave me a great idea on how to get more traffic. Just add a bunch of the most
searched "keywords" to the site... "myspace", "youtube",""horoscopes"

Holli Nixon said...

You better not be trying to sale me. You broke it, you bought it! No returns! haha...You are stuck with me!

Oh sorry, got a little distracted...Those are all very funny honey. Looks like you have too much time on your hands!

Hillary said...

Well at least yours isn't "cheetos and monkeys"....I don't even want to know....scary

RadioTodd said...

Mmmm... cheetos that look like monkeys

Anonymous said...

Hey Todd! Ha! That's funny. I can't believe there's still someone who doesn't know that I'm D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D. I haven't been real shy about it! :)

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