Ok, so Vanity Fair got a really cool idea and took photos of
Miley Cyrus. Only problem is that they were a little steamy, she's 15, and some folks went bizerk! First it was the fake - topless shot and now people are thinking that the new photos released with both Miley and dad Billy Ray are a little to "close" to be a father/daughter pic. Kathie Lee from the Today Show says that she would have never taken a picture like that with her Dad. What do you think? Is it art or tasteless.
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Poor, poor Miley... she's so embarassed about her vanity fair pictures... the ones where, rumor has it, she's wrapped up naked in a sheet, as, I guess, most multi-millionaire 15-year-olds find themselves during the day... and, during this photo shoot, her parents and reps that were accompanying her were apparently so blinded by the lights and cameras, making such embarassing photos possible. Those lights had to be pretty bright, since, as a mom, I can tell if my son leaves the bathroom with his fly unzipped across McDonald's. I'm betting their vision was probably a little more impaired by the dollar signs than the flashbulbs. And I think the remorse she is feeling now is due to a telephone call she received from Disney, reprimanding her for acting like a grownup, instead of the pre-adolescent they pay her to portray... I think she learned the hard way... you just can't have the Best of Both Worlds...
I love the pictures. All of them are very tasteful and while she may have been topless in the picture, she was far from naked. She still had on her jeans...If she were going to a high school dance in a strapless dress, she could achieve the same look.
And I don't believe the pictures with her dad are "too close for comfort" either. Very lovely pictures and she should be proud.
I think people should worry about what their own kids are doing and less about Billy Ray and his kids.
If they think these pics with her dad are suggestive maybe they just have dirty minds? Just a thought.
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