This was my third Mullet Festival in Niceville... and it was, I think, one of the biggest! There were so many people there! Every night was packed!
Friday, Mike and I headed up there to put up our banners. Did you notice? They were everywhere! The top of my head got sun burned and a Niceville Police Officer was looking at me funny when we put a banner right in front of his post. Mike will have to tell you that story. Blake Shelton rocked the show! I don't think anybody noticed when I was on stage, that Blake's mic stand stood taller than me!

Well, I made it to Sunday's show, with just a little steam left. People were still suprised that Travis Tritt was there since he was added to the lineup late. He was on stage for two and a half hours! What a great show, one of the best I've ever seen. He played all of his music, some Cash, some Waylon... pretty awesome way to wrap up the show.
I ate lots of food, rode some rides, met lots of listeners... oh, and I didn't run anybody over this year with the van... that's good.
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