Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Diaper Bag for A Real Man

Tired of your wife's sissy winnie the pooh diaper bag you have to sling around from time to time.

This Illinois guy has come up with a diaper toting man-bag loaded with testosterone and baby wipes... check it out..

The Tactical Daddy is a 17-pocket vest is designed to hold bottles, diapers, wipes and just about anything else you need for an afternoon with the baby.

Got a question though? When did guys start changing diapers?

Check out TacticalDaddy.com

1 comment:

honest diapers said...

Simply put, honest rock. No leaks, the mess is an easy clean up if you use the disposable liners. When there is poop, just flush the liner and it leaves a relatively clean diaper. There might be a little poop on the corner where the liner isn't covering, but that is only with a softer stool.

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