Sunday, September 11, 2011

Life is Short, Have a Bucket

On the 10th anniversary of 9/11, we think about the tragedy of the event...  how horrific it was to lose all those people... all the brave men and women that died to rescue survivors.  We also look at our own mortality, and realize that we have become complacent in our own lives... we haven't loved enough, lived enough, and done all the things we wanted to do yet.  We remember that life is short, that everyday is a gift, and there are no guarantees.

When is the last time you looked at your life with a magnifying glass and asked yourself, 'what do I want?'  It's so easy to get caught up in serving others at work, at home with family and kids, and often forget about the most important person in your life... YOU!  ...and probably have never thought about the things, no matter how off the wall it is... things you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet?   Got an answer?  Then, go do it... solo or share your experience with family, or close friends.

I've kicked around things in my head for years about things I want to do in life, I finally started a bucket list of my own.  ::Check it out here::

What is it that you want to do before it's all said and done?  Have you made that list?  The list of things you want to do before taking a dirt nap?  There are no guarantees for tomorrow... Get busy, and live.
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