Well, it's been an interesting 4 months since last I wrote here on my blog. What was that...December?! To get you updated quickly. I got a new job...moved... changed my on air name, hated the gig... now getting ready to move again. Sheesh! Ask my wife about it, she's got an opinion on us moving...yet again.
Honestly, I kick myself for making the move. Lesson learned. I have a gypsy soul I guess.

I was supposed to pick some ridiculous cat name like
-Furball- at the new "Cat Country" station. Instead I picked "Cubby." I stole it from
Paul "Cubby" Bryant, one of my favorite jocks I listened to in Houston and on the internet at Z100 in New York. That's got a weird element too if you're not used to being called a different name than what you are used to. I was Felix T. Cat for the few months I was in Allentown. Hey, it was a Cat Country station too! I'm 0 for 2 on those Cat stations.
To be kind, I had philosophical differences at the new station. So I found the first train out of there. The radio job landscape is pretty rough out there right now, so I didn't know if this was going to be the end of the road for my radio career. I was very fortunate (and thankful) to find another job. A bonus too... it was closer to family in Texas.
Shreveport, Louisiana!
101.1 KRMD. I can go back to being Todd again too.
On the road again! I pray, and optimistically hope, that this is it for a while. Not only for my own sanity, but to keep my wife from looking for places to bury me! :)
Cubby Out!