To my loyal Wolf Listeners,
First off, I'm letting you know about something that has probably been the worst kept secret ever around the radio station! Haha! I didn't say a peep to anybody about this and it spread like wildfire. I have my assumptions as to who the perps were, but honestly I really don't care. It was kinda fun to be in the rumor mill for a little bit.

Sure, it seems like a lot is going on with the Morning Show leaving last month and now me. Believe me, it's just a crazy coincidence we left at around the same time. It's an unfortunate fact about radio: radio people move...a lot. Some don't, but many more do. As much as we want to stay in one place, many factors such as higher paying positions, corporate radio instability (ie cutting jobs,) and our own motives to see many places before we die play into why you hear DJ's for a year or two and then they're gone. It's the nature of the beast. The guys who have been in a market for a long time are the exception, not the rule in today's radio.
I am looking to become that exception in my new adventure. I think that I have the opportunity for some long-term success. To say I'm excited would be an understatement! I'm looking forward to switching critters!
I hope to talk to you again soon, maybe at the next concert or fair since we are still close in proximity. Thank you for all your support of the past 4 years. It's truly been a blast in Ft. Walton Beach, playing music, serving the community, and having fun! See you soon!
Onward and upward!