So, Sunday morning, I opened my reservation map to hunt for places that I haven't been before where I might hide a geocache. I noticed there was a place just a few miles down the road! I was pretty excited to go scout out a new place on the reservation.
Off we went with my wife and two boys. It was great, a nice paved road at the entrance, there was a river running through it, just a great natural area. We drove down a "not-so-traveled" road just off the main dirt road. It was a nice drive until we got to an old culvert pipe. I didn't want to attempt jumping over it, especially with the kids in tow. But, my wife said, "you can make it!" So, I drove over it, and made it ok. Not even 100 feet from there we ended up in a huge sand pit! I've drove through sand pits a million times already, so no big deal right? If I was only paying attention to the road. I was driving too slow and got stuck....big time!
We went back that afternoon with a jack and ply wood to try to boost the jeep out of the sand. Our first attempt was no good. By then it was getting pretty dark... we remembered the officer telling us not to stay out too late: very poisonous snakes and the over 400 bears on the reservation were enough warning for us to bolt at sundown.
Monday, I came back to try again only to find out the reservation and base were closed due to test missions they hold. I thought, "great! my Jeep will be blown up when I get back"
Tuesday, baby sick... daddy duty since Holli was out working on the other side of town.
I thought this was great! One of my listeners is going to help me out! How cool is that! Yesterday, he came out there. The truck was huge! I walked up to the truck and said jokingly, I don't think your truck is quite big enough! Ha! It was more than enough truck to get me out. My Jeep looked like a matchbox car next to this monster truck. He didn't even need the winch. Just a tow strap and off I went, the Jeep rolled like it was on a concrete paved road.

I learned a wonderful lesson that day... never listen to your wife! Haha!