Backstage at The Wreckers concert, one of my listeners asked me, "how to I talk so fast without messing up?" I've been asked that a lot lately so, I thought I'd give you a little inside peek at what going on in the ol' noggin while I talk on the radio.
First off, I do mess up occasionally when I'm on the air, it's just part of it. I call it a brain wreck. haha! There's a lot going on when I'm talking, whether I'm out on a live broadcast and some dude is screaming in the background or a thought pops in my head at the last second, while I'm talking. Sometimes it just trips me up. After doing this for so long, distractions don't bother me much now.
The fast talking part... Well, I do read a step faster, but I think there is also a misconception when people say I talk fast. Really, I'm just using less words to get my point across. When you write words, you have a complete sentence with a beginning and an ending. When I talk, it's mostly in sentence fragments that your mind is still able to comprehend without being distracting.
Instead of saying: "Here's an Example..." I just say... "Example."
The main reason for talking quicker is time! We only get about :15 to :20 to talk in between songs and up to a minute before commercial breaks. Time is short to talk about concerts, community events, etc. So word economy is the key.
Sure, I talk fast, but JFK kicks my butt. John F. Kennedy was said to read 1200 words per minute, and I believe he holds some sort of record in the fastest speech read.
Try it yourself! Practice at home, and you too can tell people about something in 10 words or less!